Hallo faithful listeners,

It's me your musical internet friend Paul Mosley.  I have news....


Is coming! Friday 16th - Sunday 18th October.


And I am headlining the Folk Fest 'Pindrop Fringe' on FRIDAY night. I'll be debuting tracks from my now completed 7th album 'The Butcher' (out next year) and I am bringing my full Red Meat Orchestra with me...



Not only that but MOSES* are reforming for a one-off gig to headline the Saturday night 'Pindrop Fringe' too!


If you buy online you  get a special ticket that covers both nights - a total of 8 excellent bands - for £8!


Go to www.hartlepoolfolkfestival.nutickets.com and look for 'Pindrop Saturday AND Sunday tickets (various artists) £8'  *(Yes it's actually Friday and Saturday, there's a typo on the ticket site, but the gigs are definetly Friday 16th (headline: Me and The Red Meat Orchestra) and Saturday 17th (headline: Moses)


I'm really excited, this will be the biggest gig I have ever brought to the North East, with full brass, strings, guest singers, the lot! and then MOSES too! Not to be missed!

Please feel free to share the facebook events :

https://www.facebook.com/events/765841233544437/ (Friday)

https://www.facebook.com/events/1031192186925607/ (Saturday)

And tell everyone and anyone in the North East who might enjoy it, it's going to be a special, unrepeatable one off!



THE BUTCHER is coming....

I spent much of 2015 (so far) doing theatre music, it has been great and I've learned loads (including how much I can drink in one month and still do two shows a day at the Edinburgh Festival) but I've also been recording an EPIC new album. It is amazing and I can't wait for you to hear it. It'll be out next year on Folkwit records.  It's called 'The Butcher'.


It's got a story running through it and various guest performers sing different characters in the story.

We have my old pals Jamie Lawson** and Esther Dee, All of Moses, All of my Chattering Birds band, the incredible flautist Bird Radio, Gav's other half Catherine and my other half Darren each making their stunning singing debut, classical guitarist Vincenzo Lamagna and the return of both xylophone George and Florence And The Machine's  my harpist Tom Moth! plus BBC Folk award winner Josienne Clarke and that Canadian Booze-y Chanteuse-y Miss Carolyn Mark! I am massively proud of it.


This track ended up not being used (in this form) so you can download this one for FREE now as a taster of what isn't on the album (? you know what I mean)



Hope you are very well indeed, please tell all your northern pals about Hartlepool Folk Festival. I'll be in touch again before this year is out with more exclusive music and then next year... bring on 'The Butcher'...


best to you


* I always assume if you are on this mailing list you know who Moses were/are? In case you don't: Me and my brother Dave, acoustic, harmonies, a brillianty folky band around us, cult alt-folk favourites in the 2000's, sound very much like this: https://soundcloud.com/paulmosleyuk/django-the-hero


** Mr Jamie Lawson has been doing rather well of late, some of you may have noticed. If you haven't : He's my mate, I played piano in his band for a bit, Ed Sheeran support, singed to Ed's own label, One Direction (!?!) support, Number one in Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Top 20 in US Singer songwriter charts, general well deserved fabulousness. This: https://youtu.be/Y-lI_tgQMMk

*** There is no third footnote thing but it's a bit weird to end one of my rare mailouts with a link to somebody else's song, even if it is Jamie's. So here's me and Esther doing 'Ghost Ships' at St Pancras Old Church:  https://youtu.be/G7kT1-BMQT0