Hallo, it's me Paul Mosley, hope you are on top form.



I have a new record out, Q Magazine described it as...


'A honeyed voice and a garage orchestra of sometimes disturbing magic realist folk pop. Excellent****'


It's all about birds and features some great guests including my old friend Tom Moth from Florence & The Machine, which is why Americana_UK said.... 


'A wonderful array of instruments, cascading piano, a serpentine cor anglais, Tom Moth's harp, all swooping and diving around Mosley’s rich and resonant voice like cartoon birds around a Disney princess.'


(bit camp like) and concluded...


'With traces of Peter Gabriel, Nick Drake and Andrew Bird these songs really do soar and Mosley’s slightly mad scheme really succeeds. The Perfect album'


It's called 'A Chattering of Birds'.  Fatea Records also spotted some Peter Gabriel (Suprised me that one) but also thought... 


'(these) wonderful soundscapes.. should unlock the wider audience Mosley should be reaching'...


Resonance.fm's Soundcheck made it ALBUM OF THE WEEK while over at BBC6Music's Tom Robinson.com they went further with....


'Has me running to hit play again & again (& again for good measure). This is Mercury Prize level good' 


And even Italian reviewers and radio are getting excited about it, it's all very nice indeed.



You can get hold of it at... .



my shop... here


or try before you buy over at bandcamp... here 


Then there's amazon... here


Or itunes... here 


It's even in the independant record shops if you are lucky enough to have one of those still? 



I am booking a tour for the autumn to bring the grandeur of it all to you LIVE.  But.... 


LONDON-ers you get a sneak peek (don't they always) next THURSDAY 4th JULY at St Pancras Old Church - the first official outing for the Chattering Of Birds band plus my excellent friends

Esther Dee (she sang on 'Ghost Ships' and the new album) and Richard Lobb (Of High Barn, MOSES' old record label) are joining me to launch their albums, so it's a triple header. Sweet.


Tickets for that are here. Would love to see you there the venue is amazing, the music is going to be too, it will be special. 




There will be more from me when I work out how to put pictures in these mail outs and not look so early 90's and I have the website full of free new stuff and things. 


Thank you muchly, hope you're good.


Best to you and yours
