[image 6 500x378] Greetings!

Paul Mosley's stunning new album 'The Romantic' is out now and there is lots going on in Mosley world...

_Videos! Irish tours! story books! Royal Wedding tie ins!_

You can buy the deluxe edition of the album: here

And for that you get all this business: [image 4 300x300] * The CD * Exclusive extra track 'Bad Boy Blue' * The 'Bad Boy Blue' story book * badges * art cards * free digital copy of the album too

That 'Bad Boy Blue' story book has been made into a really beautiful video too, see it here

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And feel free to share on any other webby places you like, it helps us a lot...

PLUS, even more video goodness: the first single 'Phantoms (Ghostbustin')' also has an excellent video which Paul and the band are actually in...

[image 3 300x279]

You can see that one here

PLUS Paul is off on tour in Ireland opening (and playing piano) for Jamie Lawson, who has just had a massive hit out there and is now described as a 'YouTube sensation', go Jamie.... Details are on the website, here

There's a royal wedding night London Album Launch gig too and a lot of more local gigs coming later in the year so keep them peeled...

Hope you're winning and please do check out the videos and link them, like them, generally help to spread the word; it makes a massive difference... Thanks to you and Happy Egg Week.

Team Mosley